Konveyor Community HackFest

Get free hands-on experience migrating different workload types to Kubernetes with open source tools and community engineer support.

January 31–February 4, 2022. 9 a.m.–5 p.m. EST each day

Get free hands-on experience migrating different workload types to Kubernetes with open source tools and community engineer support. Register to get the calendar invite.

The Konveyor community has developed multiple use cases for you to learn time- and cost-efficient ways to migrate to Kubernetes. During this HackFest, if something is missing, not working as expected, or you simply get stuck — you can open a GitHub issue or get support from the community engineers.

By joining, you’ll help improve the effectiveness and usability of the open source tools in the Konveyor Community. All tools you can continue to leverage for free after the event is over to migrate to Kubernetes.

You’ll walk away knowing how to:

  • Rehost apps between Kubernetes clusters and automating with GitOps using the tool Crane

  • Replatform apps to Kubernetes from other container orchestration platforms with tool Move2Kube

  • Rehost virtual machines to KubeVirt with tool Forklift

  • Assess, analyze, and refactor applications to Kubernetes with tool Tackle.

Each day will be dedicated to 1 or 2 use cases addressed by our tools. You can participate each day or the day we focus on the use case most relevant to you.

Register on this form to get the calendar invite and full agenda once it is finalized.