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Accelerate application modernization

Konveyor is an open-source project that gives developers and platform teams visibility, analysis, and transformation tools to predictably re-platform and refactor legacy applications at scale for Kubernetes and cloud-native technologies.

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Key components of Konveyor

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Konveyor Hub

A hub for all your migration projects. View, categorize, and analyze your application landscape from a web console. Use it to build and manage a predictable, measurable migration plan.

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Konveyor CLI

Kantra, an essential part of the Konveyor hub, performs Static code analysis for multiple languages, including Go, .Net, Node.js, and Java. Kantra can also generate assets for Kubernetes, enabling the replatforming of applications.

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Konveyor AI

With more context comes more power. Konveyor AI combines Static code analysis with Generative AI. Seamlessly integrate LLMs into your modernization and refactoring journey.

Konveyor is a cncf logo Sandbox Project

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Recent Posts


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Konveyor AI (Kai) Roadmap 2024

Konveyor AI (Kai) Roadmap 2024
